Assets License. How it works?
For all packages available the same EULA applies. You can use and reproduce inside a game all assets even with commercial purpose, royalty free.
Please visit the EULA section of the asset store for more information about all clauses.
I purchased an audio bundle at the store. Can I obtain the sound files in .wav format?
Yes. Just contact us at audio@evil-mind.com including your invoice/order number for that product. Once we confirm the purchase, you´ll receive a link to download the .wav files.
I use no specific game engine or I’d like to use the assets for other type of interactive media. Can I purchase a product and obtain the files directly from Evil Mind Entertainment?
Yes, contact us at audio@evil-mind.com
This pack is useful but it lacks some files I need for my project. Can you make those extra files for me?
Our asset store products are not exclusive, they can be bought and used by anyone so they are designed to be as generic as possible while still creative, different and varied enough to look like a customized solution. Please, keep in mind it is impossible to match your project at 100%.
We ourselves develop games, art and audio. Just write us at contact@evil-mind.com or audio@evil-mind.com explaining your needs and we will offer you a budget for the extra assets or for a tailor-made professional solution.